Naative Rocks!

I just wanted to give a shout out to Naative--an incredible company that hand sews their leather products in the USA and uses only the best of the best materials. I had the amazing opportunity of shooting some images for their new purse line and it was AWESOME! 

McKay and Mara Hooker (the founders of Naative) are incredible people to be around. They have an amazing work ethic and provide quality business not just because of their products but also because of their personalities. Check out a few images from our shoot together. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did!

Find Your Flight

Something that has been tickling my fancy lately is commercial photography. It's different than anything I have attempted during my career but surprisingly complimentary to everything I have learned about light and composition. It has started to make me think about how I can approach other genres of photography (ie. landscape, wedding, family portrait) in a similarly delicate and stunning way.  

This image of a chrome toy plane is one of my favorites. Even though it showcases the beauty of the object itself, it is meant to mean so much more. As children we are encouraged to be creative, unafraid, adventurous and curious. We learn in those tender years the importance of taking flight even if there might be a crash landing ahead. Everything will teach us something about the world around us or ourselves; that is why I have loved journeying out into other areas where I never knew photography could take me. I hope that no matter what you do in life you find time to explore the unknown.  

Made For Each Other

I had the incredible opportunity to head up to freezing Rexburg, Idaho and photograph the soon to be Mr. & Mrs. Pennington. We found an abandoned seed farm with incredible textures and light and the pictures turned out great!  

Delicious Details

Some of my favorite pictures to take are detail shots. The beautiful part about it is that you get to find something that isn't completely perfect or interesting and make it appealing to the eye visually. 

I bought this cake from Smiths because I thought it was cute but I didn't know if I was going to be able to make it look AWESOME. That was my challenge, and I think I did a pretty good job. What do you think? 

The Perfect Light

I have pretty much lived the majority of my life in Utah. And despite what people think about it here, the diversity is stunning! From tree covered mountains to sand washed floors and everything in between. It is my home. 

Utah lake when compared to Lake Powell (or pretty much any other lake) is in most cases disgusting. But when the light is right and the water is calm it can be absolutely breathtaking. In those moments it's impossible to take a bad photograph. 

Explore Your Hobby

It is SO easy to fall into a habit. I love photographing people--but sometimes I just want to go explore and take pictures of something new and exciting for my own personal enjoyment. 

One particularly cold morning, I grabbed my camera and my husband and headed out to shoot some was AWESOME! A friend of mine has this huge herd and we spent all morning feeding, chasing, and corralling them to get the perfect shot. Even though I couldn't feel my fingers about 20 minutes in the experience, it reminded me how much I LOVE photography. 

This particular sheep became my husbands favorite. He's so cute!